Best guitar mag ever. Awesome tutorials and great app.
Best guitar mag ever. Awesome tutorials and great app.
There is not audio function...
Thanks GT for fiing the bugs in the last version - now everything works again and Im happy to give you well deserved 5 stars for the enhanced issues. Please also make the videos from the print edition including back issues available. Thanks!!!
Ive been receiving this excellent magazine via post for quite some time and have recently tried it digitally on my iPAD! My understanding is that the only problem with doing it digitally is that you wont get your hands on the excellent CDs that are included with post deliveries. This Mag does what it promises, there is a real variety of Music Styles, also at varying degrees of ability for the reader, there is also even enough to keep the Seasoned Pro Musician challenged throughout this Masterpiece Educational Magazine. The Slogan they use "WELL MAKE YOU A BETTER PLAYER", it really shows that these guys mean what they say! I love this Mag and highly recommend it for all players...
I wish I could have some links to replace the CDs...
This is a great magezine
This is by far the best guitar magazine app.
I really enjoy the writing; the articles are well-written, focused, and relevant. The lessons - what this mag is ALL about - run through all difficulty levels, and always push my competency level. I look forward to each new edition. I hope that Future stays on the cutting edge with tablet mags. I would like to "see" the backing tracks and example sounds on their originating pages, and not have to flip to a new screen to control them (especially the small examples.). I can see a full page display of a piece of music as appropriate, with a moving placeholder, but the tiny, one-liners... not so much. Keep up the good work!
Barely half of the "enhanced" issues sound files actually work. Wrote to customer support several times and have not heard anything back. Garbage!
Guitar Techniques is full of guitar tuition. Just about every lick or song has a link to see the music and hear how it should be played so learning is very easy. Now GT has video for some lessons as well. The magazine is mostly articles and lots of licks and songs for everyone from beginner to advanced. I have tried them all and the only one I continue to have a subscription for is Guitar Techniques. If you want to keep learning new licks and songs month after month then you should subscribe to this magazine. Update: Guitar Techniques just raised their subscription price and it is still worth every penny.
Content is the same as the printed magazine and if you expect no more than the printed magazine and audio (when online only) you wont be disappointed. However, the apps performance is very poor, sometimes taking minutes to load an issue and frequently crashing. Support is also poor.
Really good method and a lot of information for both newbies and proficient classical guitarists. Highly recommended and good price for a lot of material. Dont think twice
Lack of all audio clips makes most of exercises pretty much useless, as you do not know how given tab should sound like. Currently the magazine does not utilize potential of iPad above paper. It looks simply like a (very good quality) pdf file from print magazine.
Great stuff for each guitarist , no matter if hes a beginner, advanced or virtuosso...
Its the coolest guitar magazine, Ive ever held in the arms! I could advise it everyone for learning right notes and cool rock licks and riffs!
Ive got problems with watching some of video files in your old issues. I checked it on three devices (iPad Mini Retina, iPad3 & iPhone 5) in different WiFi and 3g nets. But nothing changed - igot the same problems with the same videos. Can you help me? I dont want to return my money back, i just want to have an access to everything ))
Or let us download sound tracks Vvvvery slow on iPad 3. Sound track still don,t works. Very bad service. Please, back my money, Ill take paper magazine.
Its without the backing track and sound items...really Unuseless
But we need the audio files!!!
If you buy a single magazine, then you want restore this on other device with the same account or you want restore some canceled magazine, there are no purchases to .